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A former Air Force General of Chile and master in political sciences from the Universidad de Chile Political Science Institute, he was appointed representative of Chile’s Air Force in 1999 for the Dialogue Round Table to deal with the problem of arrested and missing people during the Military Government. In December 2001, he retired voluntarily. He is currently the president of the Apoquindo school, a private school in Lo Barnechea, a community in Santiago de Chile.

In 1984, he followed the Chief Of Staff Course at the Air Staff College of the Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom, where he finished with honors. He was a concurrent Air Force Attaché for Chile’s Embassy in Canada and Air Force Representative of Chile at the Inter-American Defense Board in the United States.

He was Air Force Secretary General. In 1998, he was promoted to Air Brigade General. He has published “Air-air Armament”, “Chemical Bacteriological War”, “The Decay of the Political Party System in the United States of America”, “The Compulsory Military Service at Chile’s Air Force”, among others.