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This document certifies the Institutional Cooperation Agreement entered into on the one hand by TERRA NETWORKS PERÚ S.A., hereinafter TERRA, with RUC N° 20432807160, with legal domicile on Calle Los Sauces N° 374, Torre Roja, Piso 9, district of San Isidro, province and department of Lima; duly represented by its General Manager, Rainer Spitzer Chang, identified with DNI Nº 07866791 who will act according to the power of attorney registered under entry N° 11123438 of the Book of Mercantile Societies in Lima and Callao Registries and on the other hand the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, hereinafter THE COMMISSION, with legal domicile on Av. Salaverry 2802, district of San Isidro, province and department of Lima duly represented by its President, Salomón Lerner Febres, identified with DNI N° 08771655 appointed to such position by Supreme Resolution N° 330-2001-PCM and authorized by Ministry Resolution N° 212-2001-PCM to enter into agreements in the following terms and conditions:


TERRA is a private company, incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Peru, which aims at developing activities and providing services in the area of telecommunications, information and communication. It particularly develops activities related with the internet or other networks, including production, distribution, and/or others’ content exhibit activities, portal activities and any other that may arise in the future in this area. For developing its work, TERRA owns an internet portal located at hereinafter simply the “Portal”.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a public organism created through Supreme Decree N° 065-2001-PCM on June 4th, 2001, complemented by Supreme Decree N° 101-2001-PCM aimed at clarifying the process, facts and responsibilities of terrorist violence and violation of human rights produced from May 1980 to November 2000, attributable both to terrorist organizations and to State agents. It also aims at proposing initiatives to strengthen peace and concord among Peruvians. As a function of these objectives, the CVR is an Ad-Hoc public organism, which is independent and autonomous linked, as for management issues, to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM). Its mandate has the social legitimacy its purposes and actions have, which are led to finding out truth, reestablishing justice, achieving national reconciliation and consolidating the democratic system.

So as to reach its objectives, the CVR may request cooperation from public and private institutions and citizens at large.

The CVR and TERRA share the mutual interest and purpose of achieving national reconciliation, the rule of law and the strengthening of the constitutional democratic system. To this end, they agree to join efforts to develop dissemination activities and actions of contents related to CVR’S work through the Internet portal owned by TERRA, most of all in what concerns the clarification of crimes and violations of human rights, within the framework of the process of violence experienced in Peru, as well as the sensitization of Peruvian society at large.


This agreement aims at specifying the conditions under which the cooperation relationship between TERRA and CVR will be established for the dissemination of contents related to CVR’S work through the internet portal owned by TERRA and linked to the topics pointed out in the last paragraph of the first provision in this agreement.


According to the agreement’s objective, the parties commit themselves to carry out the following collaboration actions:

1. Authorization Procedure for the Transmission of CVR Public Hearings. The CVR commits itself to request the concession by Peru’s National Institute of Radio and Television Broadcasting of an authorization in favor of TERRA that will permit it to use the Institute’s television signal to transmit through the internet each and every Public Hearing carried out by CVR.

2. Organization of Video Chats – TERRA may organize and carry out video chats (video conferences) linked with CVR’S work and activities, using the channel of its portal in the internet. To this effect, the CVR commits itself to coordinate with TERRA the conduction of interviews with CVR officials and members as well as different personalities linked with its work. The CVR shall propose TERRA the people who will participate in the Video Chats to be held on the dates and hours TERRA deems convenient

3. Organization of Opinion Fora – TERRA may implement a series of Opinion Fora in its internet portal related with CVR’S work and activities as well as news linked to it. To do so, CVR may recommend TERRA the issues to be dealt with at these Opinion Fora.

4. Organization of Polls. Terra may conduct different polls related with CVR’s work and activities through its internet portal, as well as with news related to it.

5. Promotion of Terra. The CVR commits itself to make the greatest effort possible to promote the actions that concern this agreement every time it can do so and through any social communication media. Additionally, it commits itself to hold a press conference after signing this agreement, where it shall report its scope to the media. Terra representatives shall participate in said press conference.

6. Promotion of CVR Activities. Terra commits itself to make its greatest effort to promote CVR’s activities in its Internet portal.



For the better compliance with this agreement’s objectives, the following operational coordinators are appointed by the parties:

For CVR: Rocio Alayza Camarero: (e-mail:

For TERRA : Mr. José Bustamante Oré (e-mail:
So as to reach this agreement’s objectives, both parties -be it through their operational coordinators or the people appointed to do so- commit themselves to hold coordination and design meetings for joint actions, when any of the parties deem it necessary.


This agreement shall be effective from the date it is signed and will have an indefinite duration. However, it can be automatically resolved by any of the parties in case of non compliance, except if it is derived from Act of God or Force Majeure. Likewise, the agreement can be resolved by unilateral decision and the party that so decides shall communicate such decision to the other party in written form and with no less than thirty (30) days notice before the date foreseen for the agreement’s termination.


This agreement is based upon the parties’ good faith. Hence, any controversies than could arise regarding interpretation, execution or non-compliance shall be resolved by agreement of the parties. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, both parties wave the jurisdiction of their respective domiciles, submitting themselves to the judges and tribunals of the judicial districts of Lima.

In conformity with each and every provision of the agreement, it is signed on the 14th day of the month of October, 2002.

Salomón Lerner Febres

Rainer Spitzer Chang