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hired Personal

In accordance with article 3 of Supreme Decree No. 063-2003-PCM, by which the term of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was extended until August 31, 2003, presently the Commission Members are working ad-honorem, as they have since July 14 of the current year, so as to avoid generating expenses for the Government for the concept of fees.

Until July 13, the remuneration of the commissioners was set at US$ 3500 for those working on a full-time basis (with the exception of the period January to July, 2003 in which Commission Members Ames and Degregori received $4400 considering their direct responsibility in the core of the Final Report and Public Action, respectively), and $1800 for part-time positions. In the month of February, 2002, full-time commissioners were: Beatriz Alva Hart, Rolando Ames Cobián, Carlos Tapia García, Alberto Morote Sanchez, Gastón Garatea Yori and Carlos Iván Degregori. Commissioners working half-time were: José Antunez de Mayolo and Humberto Lay Sun.

The Commission’s chairman, Salomón Lerner Febres, as well as commissioners Enrique Bernales, Sofía Macher and General Luis Arias Graziani, did not perceive any salary from the Commission, as the public and private institutions for which they work, cover their remunerations.

The professional salaries of the Executive Secretariat’s staff are established according to a salary scale approved by the Commissioners’ plenary meeting. The salaries corresponding to the Executive Secretary, operational coordinators and coordinators at regional offices are also set by the Commissioners’ plenary meeting. The salaries of other staff members are fixed by the Executive Secretary, taking into account the minimum and maximum standards set by the salary scale.

It should be stated that all staff members have signed professional services contracts. This means that none of the staff members perceives ordinary or special bonuses, severance pay, overtime payments, pension or insurance payments (except for life insurance for field researchers), or any kind of remuneration apart from the set monthly salary.

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