seminario internacional
procesos post comisiones de la verdad
de la negacion al reconocimiento
Lima 4, 5 y 6 de junio de 2003 |
The recommendations to be made by the Truth
and Reconciliation Commission will involve all the social and
political actors in the country. No Peruvian man or woman of
any age, belief, race, social condition, belonging to the State
or the Civil Society will be exempted from complying a role in
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission process in which Peruvian
society is already involved.
Therefore, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, organized
this international seminar in which Peruvian and foreign specialists
and politicians in fruitful dialogue spoke about the post-Truth
Commission process emphasizing the relationship between the truth
gathered and the following stage: redress policy, trials and
reconciliation proposals.
This Seminar dealt with the context and implemented mechanisms
assumed both by the State and civil society in other countries
in Latin America and the world. At the same time, it dealt with
the lessons learned from the experiences that can be helpful
for the Peruvian process.
