Throughout its work,
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has signed the following
CAAAP Agreement
CEAS Agreement
Agreement with the CNDDHH
Psychosocial Care Center
Population Promotion and Development
Center - CEPRODEP Agreement
CIPA Agreement
COMISEDH Agreement
Andean Jurists Commission Agreement
National Evangelic Council Agreement
Peruvian Press Council agreement
University Consortium Agreement
Human Rigths National Coordination Entity
The Ombudsman´s Office Agreement
Edhucasalud Agreement
Bartolomé de
las Casas Agreement
Radio and Television National Institute
of Peru Agreement
IDS - TV Cultura Agreement
MENADES Agreement
Mental Health Table Agreement
Ministry of Education Agreement
Ministry of Internal Affairs Agreement
Prosecutor´s Office Agreement
Cooperation Agreement with the Special
Prosecutor´s Office
National Identification and Civil
Status Registry - RENIEC Agreement
Terra Networks S.A. Agreement
TRAMAS Agreement
Transparency Agreement
RCP agreement
REDINFA Agreement
Agreement with the Development of
Social Sciences Network
Common Burial
Exhumation Work Joint Platform
