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  International Seminar

invitados internacionales


Since 1997, he has been a senior executive from IDEA Internacional para América Latina. He has advised numerous Latin American governments on governance programs constitutional democracy, political and electoral reforms. He has participated in more than 50 elections observation missions. He was deputy director of the Human Rights Inter-American Institute and ECOUSOC Executive Director, as well as Founding Member and Executive Secretary of the Central America and South America Elections Associations and of the Inter-American Union of Elections Organisms. He studied political science, international affairs and he is a lawyer. He is an international lecturer, guest professor and collaborator of several Latin American newspapers, magazines and portals. He is an International Consultant for the United Nations, UNDP, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank. He is Program Director of IPSA’s Committee on Funding and Corruption. He has written many books and articles on human rights, elections and democracy.