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Master in Juridical Sciences from the University of El Salvador. He made postgraduate studies on Political Science at the University of Essex, England. He is a professor and head of the Political Sciences Department at the University of El Salvador, as well as a researcher on public policies for the W. Wilson Center, Washington, USA. He has also made research on international studies for the Kellogg Institute. He was a councilman for San Salvador from 1970 to 1972, Minister of the Presidency from 1989 to 1990, Legislative Assembly representative from 1997 to 2000 and a candidate to the presidency of the Republic between 1994 and 2000.

He has published “Parties and Political Culture: an Instrument or an Obstacle?”, “Building the Bridge to the Future”, “Elections in Central America: the Case of El Salvador, 1992-1996”, “Participation and Democracy in El Salvador”, “The Salvadoran Left between Identity and Power.”