In a lucid text, the Truth Commission President states the
better lessons left by the war in Irak.
The war in Irak signals, according to more than one expert,
the end of the international order that emerged from the Second
World War. This is so, because the war was started by the decision
of three countries, led by the United States, disregarding
the United Nations Security Council. Thus, the balance of powers
that reigned in the last half century and prevented arbitrary
actions by the great powers disappeared. We are indeed before
a single world superpower decided to exercise its power without
rivals. Legally speaking, the juridical order in effect until
now has been seriously contradicted, if not condemned to irrelevance.
Due to elementary humanitarian considerations and basic respect
for law as source of civilized coexistence, it is impossible
not to deplore the final course of events. Those who have directly
experienced the great sufferings war always causes cannot agree
with this large scale outburst of violence, not even under
the pretext of the lesser evil. Certain hypotheses- although
nothing but hypotheses- justify the conflict intensions of
weapons of war and the intentions of ruthless dictatorship.
On the other hand, we now have evident facts: the inevitable
suffering of innocent people, victims in the worst case of
the ineptly called collateral damage of bombing and, in the
best case, condemned to displacement and losing their material
Of course we can ponder different elements when judging the
events. We must certainly recognize that the United States
and its allies want to overthrow through violence a regime
that is not a democracy, not even an imperfect democracy.
It is actually a regime whose history of serious abuse against
its own people will be remembered as one of the huge stigmas
of our lives. On the other hand, this regime recently accumulated
a history of defiance and challenges to the international
In spite of all this, and with all the history of major humanitarian
catastrophes, it should be clear that war, and large scale
violence are never the way to create peace and that in any
war, civilians suffer the most and, among them, the poor
and the most unprotected.
It is not necessary to delve into the motivations of the players
in this tragedy to deplore the outburst of massive violence
in Irak. Because opinion about this violence is not strategic
but fundamentally ethic. We deplore once again the use of violence;
the damage suffered or that will be suffered by innocent and
unarmed people; that a precedent has been set opening the door
to indiscriminate violence, and that is a dark omen for the
century and era that are beginning.
In recent years, much has
been written about the end of the twentieth century and the
new era. Predictions somewhat
optimistic. The fall of totalitarianism, the progress of
science and
technology, the spread of democracy, the dissemination
of doctrines, including about human rights, warranted such
Today’s events show us that those who were then pessimistic
had a strong point. What we now see -notwithstanding all
the progress made- is that strategic reasoning, the illusion
that the end justifies the means, the temptation of making
calculations based on the number of human lives gained
or lost, are still powerful considerations in managing
and domestic affairs, and that there are still important
battles- not political but ethic- to fight in the world,
even if democracy prevails.
One of the greatest words of our time has been globalization.
Skeptical and cautious people warned from the start that a
monotonous and unilateral configuration of the world should
not be conceived and legitimized under that name. Global reality
should not be a conformist way of referring to a humanity adapted
to just one level, just one vision of the world and a single
set of thoughts. Today’s events should also be used to
rethink about these risks and to promote, without prejudiciously
rejecting any society or culture, a truly plural world in which
a polyphony of tolerated and tolerating voices should be heard
instead of a monotonous choir.
Most public opinion- that vast majority that spoke for peace
in the last weeks- has seen in this crisis, with some reason,
the end of an era and the closing of crucial opportunities
to build a more peaceful world. From the war in Irak we can
draw, however, a number of bitter lessons that we must not
waste. The main is, perhaps, that during the nineties that
no man’s land between the Cold War and the world dawning
today –we failed to build a legal order and a system
to make political decisions in line with the new challenges.
We knew that the fall of the Soviet Union removed a counterweight
that preserved a given international order for years, an order
that was nevertheless far from being fair or humanitarian.
We also knew that, although conflicts among nations have not
disappeared, a new type of violence was fermenting, which occurs
within the borders of each State. At the same time, bloc politics-
among which the European Union- were known to be insufficient
to create the new desired balance. Firstly, because no blocs
effectively counterbalance the great American power. Secondly,
because with certain nuances they went on operating under the
cold logic of strategic reason and, hence, are not the way
for true world humanitarian politics. Maybe nothing shows this
more clearly than the time and lives lost until an intervention
was agreed to end the massacre in the Balkans.
In spite of what we known, an international order was not
designed, nor was the decision-making system updated to meet
to the new challenges. This is why the perplexity at the transgression
of the world order expressed by United Nations Security Council
is a bit surprising. If the transgression is deplorable, as
it is, it must sound the alarm to start building a new order
in which the only options should not be unilateralism, on the
one hand and paralysis on the other.
Peace requires courage. We Peruvians have learnt so. Firstly,
it demands courage to defend it when the champions of political
realism present it as illusory. It may seem so, but it is necessary
to have experienced a tragedy as we lived in Peru and is still
lived in many countries in the world, to know that peace is
always preferable to the shortest war. However, the opposite
of political realism is not a baseless illusion or a dreamer’s
utopia. The opposite is what we have to look for at the beginning
of this new century, a world politics grounded on immovable
values. And one of these values is clear and simple: we must
defend life.