1. On this date, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has
submitted to the Prosecutor the first documented file on presumed
individual liability for serious human rights abuses occurred
during the period under investigation.
2. This decision is made in compliance with its mandate and
with the legal obligation of providing the information it
has regarding the perpetration of crimes for which the corresponding
criminal legal action has been filed.
3. The case which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
addresses is specially important for the Commission, because
it completes
a process that started with the forensic exhumations carried
out with the Public Prosecutor in Chuschi (Ayacucho) in
January this year.
4. Although it is true that the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission lacks jurisdictional powers, it has the right
and duty of assisting
other government agencies so they can administer justice
regarding the crimes and human rights abuses perpetrated
by subversive
organizations and government agents during the period
that the Commission, has the mandate to clarify.
5. With this first report, the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission confirms before the nation its unyielding
decision to meet
as openly as possible the supreme mandate received
from the Peruvian nation.
Lima, December 6th, 2002
Commissioners’ Plenary
