in Public Hearings
Wake for the Public Hearings of Lima
Speech by Truth Commission President
Dear friends,
Tonight a shared feeling of pain gathers us. We are here together
to proclaim our sorrow, our indignation and also our astonishment
for all the horrors that Peruvians were capable of inflicting
each other during twenty black years of violence. Therefore,
we are gathered by the wish of saying no to that violence.
At the same time we are here to express: our compassion,
our solidarity, our identification with all those who suffered
in silence aggressions, dispossessions and abuse, before
the general indifference. I will be narrated in the public
hearing to be inaugurated tomorrow. If the memory of violence
overwhelms us, your sole presence here also authorizes us
to proclaim an illusion that not everything is lost in our
country if there are still people capable to feel others’ pain
as their.
These wakes we are holding together tell us that Peru still
has much room for hope. Wake means being awaken and all also
keeping alert. These words, I think, fairly describe the truest
sense of your solidarity and generosity tonight. I say so,
because although it is common and very fair to oppose those
who hurt us, it is less common among us to feel the offense
received by others as one’s own. Hence, through this
humanitarian gesture you convey an invaluable message, that
all Peruvians, and not only those who were directly affected,
should feel hurt for each aggression and for oblivion. There
is horror in torture and death, in the abduction of parents,
children and brothers. There is horror, and very deep, in those
treatments that say that in Peru there are people who are not
considered dignified people and full citizens because of the
color of their skin, because of their language and because
of their poverty. However, there are still some who declare
it is better to silence the wrongs suffered as if silence were
enough to cure centuries of segregation in a wounded and divided
On the contrary, silence is, as our recent history shows,
one of the foods of barbarity. Silence is, and we proved it
these days, the best way of becoming accomplices of an old
tradition of discrimination that should embarrass us. With
our acts and our works we proclaim that truth is the way by
which people and individuals become free and that listening
to the voices of those who were submitted to intolerable humiliations
is a minimum act of justice and a way to start acknowledging
as equals those who our history has condemned to perpetual
humiliation. Certainly, truth can be tearing and unsettling
and that it can confront us to the most shameful miseries.
Certainly, facing a truth that deeply offends human dignity,
men and women usually feel helpless and miserable. This is
why many are used to avoid it and, even worse, wish that all
the rest shared their fears. Those who act in this way do not
know or forget that together with truth, hope dawns subtly
oftentimes. Conceiving and feeding hope is another way of defeating
If fear divides a society, if fear makes each one to take
shelter in the small prison of his/her selfishness, hope is,
on the contrary, a constructive way of living our existence
in community. Hope embraces us with others and embraces us
to life. This is why we should tell hope the same as poet Schiller
exclaimed before joy: Your powerful magic gathers what fate
had separated. Savagery wishes to devastate all hope, Savagery
wishes to scatter the conviction that it is preferable to live
sheltered from fear in mediocrity and deception. But those
who, like you, fight against that and who, like you, are young
at heart, have hope among their most cherished fortitudes.
Hope is the firmest reason for which you, dear friends, are
together with us tonight, together with us, awake and vigilant.
Salomon Lerner Febres
Truth and Reconciliation Commission President