This document certifies the Institutional Cooperation Agreement
entered into by the Center for Amazonian Research and Promotion,
on the hand, represented by its Chairman, Alfredo Prado Prado,
identified with DNI 10285131, with legal domicile at Av. Ricardo
Palma N° 666 D, Miraflores, Lima, hereinafter CIPA and
on the other hand, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,
created by the President of the Republic through Supreme Decree
065-2001-PCM, as amended Supreme Decree 101-2001-PCM, represented
by its Chairman, Salomón Lerner Febres, identified with
D.N.I. 08771655, appointed to such position through Supreme
Resolution 330-2001-PCM with legal domicile at Av. Salaverry
N° 2802, San Isidro Lima, hereinafter, the COMMISSION,
under the following terms and conditions:
Center for Amazonian Research and Promotion-CIPA
CIPA seeks to defend and promote the rights and cultural practices
of indigenous peoples of the Amazon region, protecting the
Amazon ecosystem through the balanced management of its resources,
for the benefit of its people and the nation as a whole. It
relies on solidarity as a fundamental tool for civil society
to organize and fund development promotion programs. Consequently,
it designs and executes action programs to foster the rights
of women, job and revenue generation for indigenous peoples
in their communities and families. Its personnel are highly
qualified professionals committed to the institution’s
guiding principles.
CIPA works for the benefit of Peru’s Amazon indigenous
people and to establish democracy and equity as a foundation
for justice. Likewise, it is geared at fostering economic development
based on the exercise of individual and collective freedoms,
especially of the indigenous people for whom it works.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a high level entity
created by the Executive Power through Supreme Decree N° 065-2001-PCM
of June 4th, 2001, as complemented by Supreme Decree N° 101-2001-PCM,
to clarify the process, tasks and responsibilities related
to terrorist violence and violations of human rights from May
1980 to November 2000, by both terrorist organizations and
members of the state. It also makes proposals for strengthening
peace and creating harmony among Peruvians.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has become the ideal
mechanism to process and clarify the serious violations of
human rights occurred during the violence period –it
needs all the support and cooperation of public and private
institutions and of citizens at large. In addition, it must
direct its efforts at analyzing the causes of violence, contributing
to the making of justice by competent entities and preparing
proposals for institutional reform and the comprehensive redressing
of victims.
This agreement establishes the framework for cooperation between
CAPS and CVR for the achievement of the following general objectives:
- Promoting the process of finding the truth, the rule of
law and the redress of victims that will lead to stronger
Reconciliation and democratic government .
- Promoting respect
for human rights in Peru, with an emphasis on the restitution
of violated rights as a result of violence
in Peru.
- Contributing recommendations for legal, institutional
and educational reforms; and to prepare proposals for
programs to compensate
victims of violence.
- Promoting and disseminating the
work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to enhance
its significance
for national life and
embrace the largest possible number of sectors in
society. To this effect, an action plan and projects detailing
the work of both institutions will be prepared.
COOPERATION AREAS In line with the objectives of agreement, the cooperation
will refer to the following issues:
- Information regarding facts occurred in the central jungle
in the period comprised between 1980 and 2000.
- Statistical
data regarding displaced indigenous persons in the central
- Information regarding violence against in the
Ashaninka and Nomatsiguenga peoples.
- Testimonies of central
jungle leaders and peoples about political violence.
- Preparation and dissemination of informational brochures
in Ashaninka and Nomatsiguenga languages.
FOURTH: SPECIFIC AGREEMENTS Specific agreements will be prepared by cooperation areas.
The agreement’s scope and duration, and the obligations
of the parties will be established in the agreement. Additional
areas of cooperation and their scope may also be identified.
The parties are free to request the economic and financial
support they need, be it from either public or private, national
or international sources. SIXTH: TERM OF THE AGREEMENT
This agreement shall become effective as from its signing
and until the COMMISSION completes its mandate in compliance
with Supreme Decree N° 065-2001-PCM, unless one of the
parties notifies the other party in writing and one month advance
its intention of terminating the agreement.
The following operation coordinators will help to comply with
the objectives of this agreement:
For the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Jorge Salazar
Cussianovich, Coordinator of the Investigation Area
For the Center for Amazonian Research and Promotion-CIPA:
Carmen Ninamango Zuñiga, Legal Area Coordinator
To achieve the objectives of this agreement, both parties,
through their operation coordinators or their designers agree
to hold joint coordination and action plan meetings when requested
by any of the parties.
This agreement is based upon the parties’ good faith.
Any controversies arising its interpretation, execution or
breach will be resolved by agreement of the parties.
In conformance with the contents and scope of this agreement,
the parties sign it in two equally valid copies in Lima on
the 19th day of November 2001.
Alfredo Prado Prado
Salomón Lerner
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
