Institutional Cooperation
Agreement Project between the National Institute of Radio and
Television of Peru – IRTP and the Truth and Reconciliation
This document certifies the institutional cooperation and
cultural promotion agreement entered into by the national INSTITUTE
with RUC 20338915471, with legal domicile at Av. José Galvez
1040, Santa Beatriz – Lima, represented by its general
manager, Javier Ernesto Rachitoff Carranza with DNI……….
, hereinafter IRTP and, on the other hand, the Truth And Reconciliation
Commission-CVR with legal domicile at Av. Salaverry N° 2802-
Lima 27, represented by its president SALOMÓN LERNER
FEBRES, identified with DNI 08771655 hereinafter CVR under
the following terms and conditions:
FIRST: IRTP is a decentralized public organism under the Ministry
of Education. Its activities are regulated by Legislative Decree
829, Organization and Functions Regulations approved by D.S.
056-2001-ED, and Legislative Decree 909, the public sector
budget law for 2001.
SECOND: CVR was created through Supreme Decree 065-2001-PCM
aiming at clarifying the process, facts and responsibilities
of terrorist violence and violation of human rights produced
from May 1980 to November 2000, imputable both to terrorist
organizations and to state agents. It also aimed at proposing
initiatives to strengthen peace and concord among Peruvians.
CVR is a special, independent and autonomous public body under
the Presidency of the Council of Ministers- PCM. The legitimacy
of its mandate stems from the legitimacy society grants to
its purposes and actions. These are aimed at revealing the
truth, restoring justice, achieving national reconciliation
and consolidating democracy. CVR enforces a special procedure
already used in several countries to address the need to shed
light on acts of violence human rights abuses and sequels of
political violence daily affect segments of the population
and the whole of society.
THIRD: The aim of this agreement is to specify the conditions
under which cooperation between IRTP and CVR will take place
in co-producing and broadcasting television and radio programs.
FOURTH: By virtue of this agreement, CVR and IRTP oblige themselves
as follows:
a) CVR shall deliver free airtime for broadcasting 32 five-minute
television spots from January to March this year; ………..
to be broadcast from………... IRTP shall broadcast
these spots in schedules jointly decided with CVR.
b) IRTP and CVR shall co-produce for television 1 hour weekly
program (starting from April this year) combining studio and
open air; and for radio…….. the studio sequences
will be assumed by IRTP and CVR will assume contracting of
the host.
c) CVR shall provide IRTP with the facilities to broadcast
-live or pre-recorded- some of the public hearings CVR holds
in Lima or the provinces.
d) CVR shall accept the invitations
IRTP makes to its members for their participation in different
radio and television programs.
FIFTH: The current agreement
shall have an indefinite duration from the date it is signed.
It can be automatically resolved
by any of the parties in case of non compliance, except in
the case of an act of god or force majeure. Likewise, it
can be resolved by unilateral decision and the party so deciding
shall give the other party notice through written communication
30 calendar days beforehand.
SIXTH: The programs’ contents must be for all audiences,
particularly for children and these contents must not be against
custom and good usage. When the programs deal with national
reality, the political aspects must be dealt with in the most
plural possible way and based upon consensus.
SEVENTH: By agreement, the parties declare that in everything
related with interpreting and complying with this agreement
they submit to the judgment of the contracting institutions’ representatives
and, finally, to the jurisdiction of the judges and courts
of Lima.
In conformance with all and each one of the clauses of this
contract, they sign for the parties on ……….
days of ………… two thousand and two.
