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This document certifies the institutional cooperation agreement entered into by the Institute of Dialogue and Proposals-IDS and Asociación TV Cultura, on the one hand, represented by Percy Medina Masías, IDS’s Executive Director identified with DNI N° 08275359, with domicile at Jr. Rodrigo Mazuelo N° 249, Magdalena, Lima and Carlos Cardenas Tóvar, Chairman of Asociación TV Cultura, identified with DNI N° 08245112 with domicile at Jr. Capac Yupanqui N° 2713, Lince, Lima and on the other, the Truth And Reconciliation Commission created by the President of the Republic through Supreme Decree 065-2001-PCM of June 4th, 2001, as amended by Supreme Decree 101-2001-PCM, represented by its Chairman Salomón Lerner Febres, identified with DNI 08771655, appointed to such position through Supreme Resolution 330-2001-PCM, and authorized to sign cooperation agreements through Ministerial Resolution 212-2001-PCM, with domicile at Av. Salaverry N° 2802- San Isidro, Lima, hereinafter the COMMISSION, under the following terms and conditions:


Institute of Dialogue and Proposals- IDS

The Institute of Dialogue and Proposals is a non-governmental development organization founded in 1986. Its main objectives are promoting dialogue and reflection on social and political processes among the different democratic players in Peru, both at local urban and rural levels, and nationwide. Its main activities focused on diagnoses on the conditions for democratic governance, promotion of citizens’ participation in community affairs and political cultural analysis of Peruvian reality. It has worked on the issues of political violence and democracy and promotes dialogue and reflection at national and international seminars, debate workshops and the “Cuestión de Estado” culture and politics journal.

Asociación TV-Cultura

Asociación TV-Cultura is a civil non-profit association devoted to alternative communications in Peru since 1986. It aims at producing and disseminating educational and cultural material to support development in our country. It also promotes new forms of communication featuring the least privileged sectors of our society. TV Cultura has produced more than 120 videos produced through agreements with several national and foreign organizations, mainly in reports, institutional videos and documentaries.

Currently, the Institute of Dialogue and Proposals and Asociación TV-Cultura have organized a network of more than 115 television channels in the main cities of Peru through which they produce and distribute different educational and cultural materials broadcast by these channels in their local program spaces.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is a high level entity created by the Executive Power through Supreme Decree 065-2001-PCM of June 4th, 2001, as completed by Supreme Decree N° 101-2001-PCM, to clarify the process, tasks and responsibilities related to terrorist violence and violations of human rights from May 1980 to November 2000, by both terrorist organizations and members of the State. It makes proposals for strengthening peace and creating harmony among Peruvians.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission has become the ideal mechanism to process and clarify the serious violations of human rights occurred during the violence period –it needs all the support and cooperation of public and private institutions and of citizens at large. In addition, it must direct its efforts at analyzing the causes of violence, contributing to the making of justice by competent entities and preparing proposals for institutional reform and the comprehensive redressing of victims.


The Institute of Dialogue and Proposals and Asociación TV- Cultura are specially interested in collaborating with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s work because they understand that with its work an important acknowledgement and reflection process is started in Peru that should generate the ways and means to prevent future political violence acts as those lived through in our country between 1980 and 2000 and to promote cultural peace and harmonic coexistence in Peru.


According to the agreement’s objectives, the cooperation areas through which both institutions will jointly and separately (according to their own institutional profiles) provide its contribution to the Commission are the following:

  • Systematically recording all the investigation activities that the Commission will carry out, so as to prepare a final audiovisual report permitting the appropriate dissemination of the results through the mass media.
  • Opening dialogue and reflection forums at different civil society levels involving political players and the public opinion. The immediate proposed activities are: organization of an international seminar on issues related to the Commission’s work, as well as an organization of a video and script contest the result of which will be exhibited in different cities around the country.
  • Positioning the Commission’s work in the local public agendas of areas where political violence was more intense and where local television networks deal with related subjects. The initial activity proposal is to organize dialogue, analysis and dissemination forums with special programs on local television networks.
  • Providing the Commission with inputs on local and national public opinion trends by analyzing debate program contents in areas targeted for work with local television networks and through the results of the script and video contests.
  • Analyzing the national political context for the Commission’s work and provide it with inputs to facilitate its work.
  • Providing logistic support from the Institute of Dialogue and Proposals’ Office in Ayacucho for the Commission’s work as well as its regional office in Ayacucho. Likewise, and for the first stage, TV Cultura provides the Commission with an expert field cameraman and the necessary equipment (camera, tripod and microphones) to perform the required activities.


Specific agreements will be prepared by cooperation areas. The agreement’s scope and duration, and the obligations of the parties will be established in the agreement. Additional areas of cooperation and their scope may also be identified.


The parties are free to request the economic and financial support they need, be it from either public or private, national or international sources.


This agreement shall become effective as from its signing and until the COMMISSION completes its mandate in compliance with Supreme Decree N° 065-2001-PCM. In case the State, through legal provision, extends the term for the Commission to complete its mandate, the effectiveness of this agreement will be automatically renewed except if the parties agree in contrary.


The following operation coordinators will help to comply with the objectives of this agreement:

For the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
Iris Jave Pinedo

For the Institute of Dialogue and Proposals:
Carmen Ilizarbe Pizarro

For Asociación TV Cultura:
Carlos Cárdenas Tovar

To achieve the objectives of this agreement, both parties, through their operation coordinators or their designers agree to hold joint coordination and action plan meetings when requested by any of the parties.


This agreement is based upon the parties’ good faith. Any controversies arising its interpretation, execution or breach will be resolved by agreement of the parties.

In conformance with the contents and scope of this agreement, the parties sign it in two equally valid copies in Lima on the 19th day of November, 2001

Salomón Lerner Febres
Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Executive Director
Institute of Dialogue and Proposals

Asociación TV Cultura