Appointment of Members
of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Lima, June 6, 2001 WHEREAS
That by Supreme Decree 065-2001-PCM, published on June
4, 2001, the Truth Commission was created aimed at clarifying
the process, facts and liabilities of terrorist violence
and of the human rights violation produced from May 1980
to November 2000, attributed to terrorist organizations as
well as to State members. It is also in charge of proposing
initiatives aimed at asserting peace and harmony among Peruvians;
That pursuant to Article 4 of said norm, it is established
that the Truth Commission is composed by seven people with
a well known ethical background, prestige and legitimacy in
society and identified with the defense of democracy and constitutional
institution building.
That the Third Final Disposition of said Supreme Decree establishes
that the Truth Commission members will be appointed within
30 days after its enforcement;
That through a procedure in which all the Ministers of State
participated and pursuant to the Ministers Cabinet, the Truth
Commission members have been appointed;
Pursuant to Supreme Decree 065-2001-JUS, the Legislative Decree
560 and the Law Decree 25993;
With the approving vote of the Cabinet of ministers; IT
Article 1°.- To
appoint the following people as Truth Commission members:
- Mr.
Salomon Lerner Febres, Chairman;
- Mrs.
Beatriz Alva Hart
- Mr.
Enrique Bernales Ballesteros
- Mr.
Carlos Ivan Degregori Caso
- Father
Gaston Garatea Yori
- Mr.
Alberto Morote Sanchez
- Mr.
Carlos Tapia Garcia
Article 2°.- The
Truth Commission must be implemented within a term no longer
than 7 calendar days.
Article 3.- Pursuant
to the Third Final Disposition of the Supreme Decree 065-2001-PCM,
the Commission will have 90 days to prepare and approve a work
plan and budget, and to organize and implement the executive
secretary and negotiate economic resources with the corresponding
public entities and the international cooperation entities.
Article 4.- The
Commission members will be able to organize themselves as they
deem most adequate to fulfill their objectives.
Article 5.- This
Supreme Resolution is countersigned by the Cabinet Chief and
the Justice Minister.
Let it be registered, communicated and published
Valentin Paniagua Corazao’s signature
Constitutional President of the Republic
Cabinet Chief
Justice Minister