Supreme Decree extending
the assignment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
That, through Supreme Decree Nº 065-2001-PCM modified
by Supreme Decree Nº 101-2001-PCM, the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission was created with the assignment of clarifying the
process, the facts and those responsible for the violence of
terrorism and the violation of human rights which occurred
from May 1980 until November of 2000, imputable to the terrorist
organizations as well as Government agents; also to propose
initiatives for peace and harmony among Peruvians, leading
to national reconciliation;
That the Truth and Reconciliation Commission started functioning
as of its installation on July 13, 2001, with a time period
of eighteen (18) months, extendable for five (5) additional
That, through Supreme Decree Nº 063-2002-PCM the time
period for the function of the Commission was extended until
July 13, 2003, on which date their final report, final conclusions
and proposals were to be presented;
That when they began their investigative work, in accordance
with paragraphs a) and d) of article 6 of Supreme Decree Nº 065-2001-PCM,
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission proposed as a goal
the collection of twelve thousand (12,000) testimonies about
cases of human rights violations in a period to start in January
of 2002 and finish at the end of December of 2002;
That, because of the public demand for giving testimonies,
the Truth and Reconciliation Commission needed to extend the
time period for collecting testimonies by two (2) months, as
of February 28, 2003, sixteen thousand eight hundred seventy-nine
(16,879) testimonies had been registered, surpassing the goal
originally set by forty-one percent (41%);
That, for the purpose of taking advantage of the value of
the information contained in the testimonies, these should
be processed, which implies the identification and registration
in a data base of those who make declarations, witnesses, victims,
and those presumed responsible for the crimes and human rights
violations, the reconstruction of the incidences of violence,
crimes and violations in which the witnesses were involved,
as well as a crosscheck of the information gathered, and comparison
with other sources;
That, as a result, it is necessary to extend the time period
given, for the purpose of finishing the work of processing
the testimonies obtained, which will be included in the Final
Report, and publicizing the information;
That, according to the progress made, the Final Report can
be presented in the month of August, 2003;
That the extension of the time period for the work of the
Commission will not result in additional expenses for the Public
In conformance with paragraph 24) of article 118 of the Constitution
of Peru and Legislative Decree Nº 560 – the Executive
Branch Law;
With approval voted by the Council of Ministers;
Article 1.- On the Objective
Extend the time period for the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
until August 31, 2003.
Article 2. - On the work of the
During the additional time period referred to in the previous article, the
Truth and Reconciliation Commission will finish the job of processing the
testimonies obtained, which will be included in the Final Report, and organize
the pertinent activities for immediate publication of the information. This
work will not result in additional expense for the Public Treasury.
Article 3. - On the work of the Commission Members
While the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission is being finished,
the services rendered by the commission members from July 14 until August
31, 2003, will be pro bono.
Article 4. - On the Final Report
The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission will be presented
to the President of the Republic and the heads of the other branches of the
Government on August 28, 2003.
Article 5. – On the countersignature
This Supreme Decree will be countersigned by the President of the Council of
Ministers, the Defense Minister, the Minister of the Interior, the Minister
of Justice and the Foreign Relations Minister.
Issued at the House of Government, in Lima, on June twenty-fifth,
two thousand three.
Constitutional President of the Republic
President of the Council of Ministers
Defense Minister
Minister of the Interior