First Exhumation requested by CVR
The Public Prosecutor ordered the exhumation of a burial
located in the Chuschi district. To do so, the Cangallo Mixed
Province Prosecutor of the Judicial District of Ayacucho,
Doctor Rolando Enciso Sandoval, was authorized to participate.
Exhumation Works
They were carried out between January 21st and 23rd 2002
according to the standards and procedures recommended for
this kind of interventions. The remains of seven people were
recovered. Besides, at the foot of the Sillaccasa cliff,
the remains of another one of the victims were found.
Remains Analysis
It was carried out between January 24th and 27th 2002. To
that effect, a field morgue was implemented at the Quispillaccta
Community School. The experts successfully identified the
eight victims, by their clothes and personal belongings recovered
during the exhumation, which were recognized by their families.
Delivery to the Families
On January 28th 2002, the remains were handed over to their
families and the corresponding certificates were issued by
the Public Prosecutor’s Office. A funeral Mass was
celebrated by Commissioner Monsignor Jose Antunez de Mayolo
and Reverend Father Gaston Garatea Yori.
Before starting the forensic intervention, during its development
and after it ended, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
gathered with the Quispillaccta Community authorities and
people to appropriately inform them about the works to be
carried out and their progress. Besides, the victims’ families
were accompanied and provided with psychological support.
On May 14th 1983, around 4 p.m. in the Yuraqcruz village,
belonging to the Quispillaccta peasant community, district
of Chuschi, province of Cangallo, department of Ayacucho,
a Peruvian Army patrol appeared before a group of people
who were carrying out communal work.
The patrol was made up by 10 to 15 soldiers and they were
accompanied by a group of people from Chuschi who came after
a Shining Path group had entered in the Chanca Cancha village
belonging to Chuschi.
On May 15th 1983, close to the place known as Sillaccasa,
while they were led through the road that goes from the Chuschi
district to Cangallo, 8 community members were murdered.
They were Narciso Achallma Capcha, Antonio Carhuapoma Conde,
Valentín Nuñez Flores, Julián Núñez
Mendoza, Pedro Núñez Pacotaype, Reynaldo Núñez
Pacotaype, Hilario Núñez Quispe and Máximo
Vilca Ccallocunto.
