Show opens in Lima
More than 200 photos from 1980-2000
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission
will open Saturday, August 9 a photo show it has called "Yuyanapaq:
Para Recordar" (To Remember) in Quechua and Spanish,
respectively) narrating the 20 years of violence in Peru
through a selection of 200 photographs. The show is open
at Casa Riva Agüero, Malecón Grau 477- Chorrillos
at noon.
27 topical rooms
Events and stories from that period are shown in 27 topical
rooms. The beginning of violence in 1980-1982, its gradual
growth in 1983 and 1989, and the Shining Path’s offensive
in Lima strting in 1989.
Uchuraccay, Pucayacu, Socos, Accomarca, Lucanamarca, Molinos,
Maria Elena Moyano’s murder, the Barrios Altos killings,
the attack against the Tarata building, the Chavín de
Huantar operations, and the impacts of violence in universities
across Peru, in the Central Jungle, Raucana, Huaycán
and the department of San Martín. .
Wives, mothers and daughters of victims, orphans, members
of defense squads and self-defense committees, pardoned prisoners,
and women opposing violence are all portrayed. Two special
rooms show life-size pictures and a video room shows films
describing 20 years of violence in Peru.
Opening in Regional Offices
Yuyanapacha: Tiempo de la Memoria” (“Yuyanapacha:
Time for the Memory”)
is a selection of 37 photos from the main exhibit shown in
that will open in Universidad San Cristóbal de Huamanga,
in the Huamanga Main Square in Ayacucho. The show opened simultaneously
in Huánuco, Huancayo and Abancay at the Casa de la Cultura
in Universidad Hermilio Valdizán and at the Exhibition
Room of the Huancayo Provincial Municipality. It will soon
open in Cuzco, at the Modern Art Museum of the Cuzco City Hall.
“Yuyanapacha: A Moment to
Remember "
A country like Peru has had little time to remember, and even
less opportunities to understand and assimilate the trauma
of violence. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission considers
forums like the photo show help in filling this gap. The
images have been chosen in an effort to present events in
Peru from 1980 to 2000, and try and reconstruct the visual
memory of a period of violence in Peru.
