Between 1980 and the year 2000, Peru underwent
an unprecedented political violence situation that left a painful
balance of assassinations, kidnapping, forced disappearance,
tortures, unfair detentions, serious crimes and violations
to human rights. The violence process consequences were translated
into alarming and dramatic figures. More than 30,000 people
have been estimated to have died as a result both of terrorist
actions and armed clashes, devastating of towns and collective
massacres. According to figures prepared by the Ombudsman’s
Office, 4,236 people were detained and, later, were found missing,
presumably because of the police. The cases of torture and
mistreatment grew dramatically. Around 600,000 people were
directly affected to the point of being forced to abandon their
homes generating an internal displacement phenomenon which
sensibly affected original social networks as well as reception
sites. Material damages caused by the conflict are equally
huge, even when only the impact of violence on national, public
and private infrastructure is taken into account. Conservative
calculations record a similar amount to that of the national
foreign debt: more than 26 Billion dollars.
The Provisional
Government led by Valentín Paniagua
created the Truth Commission on June 4th 2001, through Supreme
Decree N°065-2001-PCM, which was ratified and complemented
by Alejandro Toledo on September 4th that same year, finally
being called Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Supreme
Decree N°101-201-PCM).
Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación
se crea como la instancia encargada de esclarecer el
proceso, los hechos ocurridos y las responsabilidades
correspondientes, no sólo de quienes los ejecutaron
sino también de quienes los ordenaron o toleraron,
y a su vez proponer iniciativas que afirmen la paz y
la reconciliación entre todos los peruanos.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is created as the
instance in charge of clarifying the process and facts occurred,
as well as the corresponding responsibilities, not only of
those who executed them but also who ordered or tolerated
them, while ,at the same, time it proposes initiatives to
strengthen peace and reconciliation among all Peruvians.
is important to notice that this search for truth and definition
of responsibilities includes both terrorist organizations and
State agents. The investigation period the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission will be working on, according to its mandate is
from May 1980 to November 2000. This implies that no facts
occurred before or after said dates will be investigated.
