Salomón Lerner
Philosophy doctor and president of Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Perú. (Chairman). |
Beatriz Alva Hart
Lawyer, ex Congresswoman of the Republic |
Rolando Ames Cobián
Sociologist, political researcher and analyst. |
Monsignor José Antúnez
de Mayolo
La Salle priest, ex apostolic administrator of the Ayacucho
Archdiocese. |
Force Lieutenant General (r) Luis Arias Grazziani
An expert in national security issues. |
Dr. Enrique Bernales Ballesteros
Doctor at Law, constitutionalist, Executive Director of the
Andean Jurists Commission. |
Carlos Iván
Degregori Caso
Anthropologist, professor at Universidad Nacional Mayor
de San Marcos,
member of the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
(Peruvian Studies Institute). |
Garatea Yori
Sacred Hearts priest and president of the Consensus Building
for Poverty Fighting. |
Minister Humberto Lay Sun
Architect, leader of the Assemblies of God, evangelic denomination
of the Evangelic National Concilium, CONEP. |
Ms. Sofía
Macher Batanero
Sociologist, ex Executive Secretary of the Human Rights
National Coordinator. |
Engineer Alberto Morote Sánchez
Ex President of Universidad San Cristóbal de Huamanga. |
Engineer Carlos Tapia García
Political researcher and analyst.
All the commissioners signed an Ethical
Commitment on October 1st 2001.