Executive Secretariat
The Executive Secretariat is the
organ assisting the Commission’s work. It is also the
main organ charged with administrative management and execution
of programs approved by the commissioners at large. It is made
up by an executive secretary and officials from different disciplines
and professional backgrounds.
Executive Secretary is Javier
Ciurlizza Contreras, a Master in Economic International Policies;
ex Secretary General of
the Andean Jurists Commission (1997-2000) and ex Head of Cabinet
of the Ministry of Justice (2000-2001).
Mental Health Team
Mental Health is a pervasive component
of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Our main objective
is designing and developing a psychosocial proposal addressing
the emotional impact the truth Commission process will have,
favoring the development of said process.
From this perspective,
we try to highlight, on one hand, the subjective aspects and
internal dynamics of the individual
or group and, on the other hand, the ways in which the individual,
family and social dimensions are interrelated. From this vantage
point we can identify simultaneously difficulties and resources.
Not only do we address the complexity of the psychosocial conflicts
involved in these processes, but we also approach the possibility
of presenting alternatives as proposals and recommendations.
are interested in underscoring how the crimes and human rights
violations affect the people’s internal and relational
world leaving traces that are recorded and remain latent and
that can be expressed in other ways of social violence. Thus,
the aim at Mental Health is being able to present strategies
not only to address these problems but also to favor the creation
of conditions that should promote comprehensive development.
to the Team belonging to the Truth Commission is one of our
special interests, so as to prevent the emotional impact
linked to working in such a painful issue.
Documentation Center
It provides information services to all the teams and areas
in the Truth Commission and organizes the documentary stock
it generates during its exercise. To facilitate access to information
on Truth Commission work issues, service agreements have been
established with other institutions which have abundant bibliographic,
photographic or press material. The documentary stock is being
organized in case, video, audio, photography and others files
in archives. This unit’s service is internal. At the
end of its mandate, the Truth Commission will hand all its
documentary stock to the Ombudsman’s Office, as established
in the Decree of its inception.
GAP Etapas
Anteriores Executive
